Sprint available to download on the Android Play Store


I’ve finally finished tweaking my Oculus Rift version of Sprint and it is now available to download from the Android Play Store. This is my first proper published game and it’s exciting knowing people can easily download and play something I made. Unity made it relatively easy to change the game over for use on mobile devices, most of the work that needed to be done was in switching the GUI elements of the game.

Android app on Google Play

If you have an Android device, go ahead and download it. Also, I’d appreciate any feedback anyone might have!
Cheers! More to come soon…

Sprint – Available to download!

I’ve made my final year project available to download and play on the Oculus Developer Forums and I think it’s being well received. Great to get feedback from other people who are creating games using the Rift! If you have access to an Oculus Rift you’ll be able to give it a go, details and download link available below.

Oculus Developer Forums: Sprint – Endless runner game


Here’s a brief gameplay video also, which IntoVR nicely tweeted! 😀



Finished my college course!

I’ve finally finished college! Quite a few busy weeks leading up to this so didn’t get to post as much on here as I would have liked. My final year project was a game made using the Unity game engine. I was luckily able to create a game using the virtual reality headset, Oculus Rift. This was amazing for me as I had been following the development of the kit and think it’s going to be crazy when it’s finally released. I think it’s going to affect a lot of industry’s and can’t wait! Anyway, I made a randomly generating endless runner game for use with the headset and I’m sure I’ll talk about it in more detail in another post but below is a screenshot to give an idea of it:

If you’re unaware of the Oculus Rift it’s basically a virtual reality head mounted display that tracks where you look and changes the camera based on this. So, as you can see above, each eye is seeing a separate image and this then results in giving a 3D effect to the user and a feeling of actually being present in the game world. It really has to be experienced to understand the feeling you get using it! Even though I only had access to the low resolution development kit 1, it was still amazing to use and can see the consumer version being ground breaking. As I said I will have a more in dept post on my project and talk about my experience using the Rift.

Another post I would like to have is one about 3D modelling and animation. We’ve done quite a bit during college, it would be nice to go back over projects and have an online place for all of them. I had always been interested in animation and amazed at how animated films were created, so getting an introduction to animation this term was enjoyable.

First Post……. Where to start?



I thought I’d use my introductory post to display some of the stuff I’ve done to date with the Unity Game Engine. I may go into further detail with them in the future but for now I’ll just have some pictures and online playable demos.



Unity Game Engine

Unity is a game engine that allows for easy development across many platforms. I’ve been using it for a while now and it really is getting better and more popular with each update. I think it took a major leap forward last year when they announced you can now deploy to IOS and Android for free. Couple that with the low cost for an Android development license and you can have your own game up and running on the Play Store very easily.



Unity Development

We were introduced to Unity for one of our subjects in college. We had to make a simple island game that introduced us to many of the features Unity had to offer. I managed to find it again and will post a link to a web-player version of the game below. It’s quite boring looking back on it but it’s interesting to see one of the first things we made with it and to think how I’d do it differently now!


Survival Island is a first-person adventure game. The player explores a desolate island in the hope of rescue!

The goal is to light a signal fire which can be seen by rescuers.The user does this by collecting hidden batteries around the island which in turn open up the door of a shack.  Inside will be a pack of matches which are used to light the signal fire.

The player can collect a battery by knocking down the 3 targets all at once.  They can use the default ammunition, a coconut,  or can press ‘2’ and be able to throw basketballs.  The player’s ammunition is shown at the bottom left of the screen.   When the player gains a battery from knocking down the targets they also gain the ability to run and jump at a much greater speed,  this allows them to reach hard to reach areas where other batteries can then be collected.”




Click for a playable version through your web-browser.

NOTE: This require you to download the Unity Web Player.



We then again more recently went back to the Unity engine for college and below are some of the apps and mini-games we had to come up with. Also, before this I had acquired a programming internship with a small Irish games studio, during my time there we worked almost exclusively with Unity so it was encouraging to see that company’s were indeed using the software we were studying.


This is a simple game that requires you to drop the ball onto a moving paddle. The subject we were doing was mostly about implementing physics into games so you are able to change the gravity at the top to Earth, Mars or Jupiter. The resulting effect can then be seen when you release the ball. This was also interesting as it was around the time Unity added more robust 2D development tools to their engine so it allowed me to get more familiar with those.


Click for a playable version through your web-browser.

NOTE: This requires you to download the Unity Web Player.



A similar app to above introduced us to how friction affects a moving object. You are able to adjust the velocity and friction before running the simulation and seeing the effects.


Click for a playable version through your web-browser.

NOTE: This requires you to download the Unity Web Player.



We then started to look at making more typical games. The first is a game where you have to locate objects in a maze and find the exit before the time runs out.


Click for a playable version through your web-browser.

NOTE: This requires you to download the Unity Web Player.



The last is a football game that has the player taking free kicks and progressing through increasingly difficult levels. There are a few issues with this game, certain bugs and weird behaviors that happen. It definitely requires more work but I hope you get some idea of what it’s about.


Click for a playable version through your web-browser.

NOTE: This requires you to download the Unity Web Player.